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Subject- Tally                                                                                             Time -90 Mins.

 Total Marks - 50                                                                                        Questions-10


नोट :

1: सभी प्रश्नो को हल करना अनिवार्य है।।

2: प्रत्येक प्रश्न 05 अंक के है।


1.टैली क्या हैं? टैली  से आप क्या समझते हो? टैली का क्या उपयोग हैं?


2. टैली Prime  एवं टैली ERP 9 में क्या अंतर है।


3. टैली ERP- 9 कि विशेषताओं के बारे में  समझाये ?


4. टैली ERP- 9 में कौन से 2 पूर्व निर्धारित लेजर उपलब्ध है?


5. टैली ERP- 9 में आप किस प्रकार के लेजर बना सकते है?  उसके स्टेप्स लिखिए ?


6. टैली ERP- 9 में वाउचर क्रिएशन और अल्टर्नेशन स्क्रीन कि शॉटकट की क्या है?


7. टैली ERP- 9 में ग्रुप कितने होते हैं, समझाये ?


8. टैली ERP- 9 में वाउचर कितने प्रकार के होते है ? नाम बताइए?


9. टैली ERP- 9 में वाउचर बनाने  के  स्टेप्स लिखिए ?


10. टैली से टेक्स्ट को कैसे कॉपी किया जाता है?


8 टिप्पणियाँ

Thnanks for Reply.

Yamank dhuriya ने कहा…
Ans:1)Tally stands for Total Accounting Leading List of Year we use tally for maintain accounts of the companies and firms.
Unknown ने कहा…
Ans no. 1

Tally is an accounting software.Tally means total accounting leading list of a year.This company is formed by Bharat goenka in banglore. Importance of tally is that every company can use this software easily nd it is a tym saving software. Tally is use for maintaining the balance of company nd in this we can summarising the data nd analysis the data.
Unknown ने कहा…
In This we can also say that tally is used for the maintenance of inventory in a business. Tally mainly works on three tools i.e inventory, payroll and accounting .
Unknown ने कहा…
Ans 2
The basic difference in tally ERP9 and tally prime is that the tally ERP9 is used for the big companies to conveniently keeps record of transaction in the company while in tally prime is use only for small and medium companies.

★ Tally ERP9 is a server based accounting software while in tally prime is a more versatile accounting software.

★ Tally ERP9 is a multitasking software and tally prime is not a multitasking software.

★Tally ERP9 is a time taking process but in tally prime it is tym saving process.
Unknown ने कहा…
Ans 3 Features of Tally ERP9 are -

★. In Tally ERP9 we can open many companies in a single system.

★. It is an easy and simple software.

★. It is a flexible program.

★. Tally ERP9 is a real time processing which means tally ERP9 automatically update the books of the company nd improve the omissions nd errors from the books.

★. Tally ERP9 works in a systematic manner to keeps records of the company.

★. Tally ERP9 always maintained the inventory in the company.

★. Tally ERP9 is introduced by the Tally Solution Private limited in Bangalore.

★. It has a six version in Tally ERP9.

★. Tally ERP9 makes a business easy .

★. Tally ERP9 is mainly works on three tools i.e inventory, accounting and payroll.
Unknown ने कहा…
Ans 4
In Tally ERP9 two ledgers are already made i.e cash nd profit and loss . We don't need to make this ledger in Tally ERP9.
Unknown ने कहा…
Ans 4
In Tally ERP9 two ledgers are already made i.e cash nd profit and loss . We don't need to make this ledger in Tally ERP9.
Unknown ने कहा…
Ans 5
Steps of ledger are-

★. Gateway of Tally
★. Account information
★. Create ( single )
★. Press enter.
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