iitm computr education mathura



Course Description:

This course is designed to provide students with a solid foundation in Java programming. Students will learn the core concepts of Java, including syntax, object-oriented programming, and the essential libraries. By the end of the course, students will be able to develop Java applications, understand object-oriented principles, and work with various Java technologies.

Prerequisites: None

Course Duration: 12 WEEKS.

Course Objectives:

By the end of this course, students should be able to:

1.Understand the fundamentals of Java programming.

2.Write, compile, and execute Java applications.

3.Implement object-oriented programming principles in Java.

4.Utilize essential Java language features, such as variables, data types, operators, and control structures.

5.Work with arrays and collections in Java.

6.Handle exceptions and errors in Java applications.

7.Use input/output streams for file and console operations.

8.Create and manipulate graphical user interfaces (GUI) using Swing.

9.Access and manipulate databases using JDBC (Java Database Connectivity).

10.Develop multi-threaded applications in Java.

Course Outline:

Week 1-2: Introduction to Java.

→History of Java

→Setting up the Java Development Environment

→First Java Program

→Data Types and Variables

→Operators and Expressions

Week 3-4: Control Flow and Methods

→ Control Statements (if, switch, loops)

→ Methods and Functions

→ Parameters and Return Values

Method Overloading

Week 5-6: Object-Oriented Programming in Java

→ Classes and Objects

→ Constructors and Destructors

→ Inheritance and Polymorphism

→ Encapsulation and Access Modifiers

Week 7-8: Working with Data

→ Arrays and Array Lists

→ Strings and StringBuilder

→ Exception Handling

→ File I/O

Week 9-10: Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) with Swing

→ Introduction to Swing

→ JFrame, JPanel, and Layout Managers

→ Event Handling

→ Building a Simple GUI Application

Week 11-12: Advanced Topics

→ Introduction to JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)

→ Introduction to Multithreading

→ Best Practices and Coding Standards

→ Introduction to Java Design Patterns

Additional Resources:

Online tutorials, Java documentation, and programming forums will be recommended

throughout the course for further learning and assistance.

Note: This syllabus is a general guideline and can be adapted and expanded as needed to

meet the specific needs of the course and the students. It is essential to provide detailed

information on assignments, grading criteria, and other course-specific details in the

course syllabus.


Address: 236 shivpuri, new bus stand, Mathura (U.P.) 

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