CCC Questions – Word Processing – True and False (T/F)
1. Bullets and numbering appears in the standard toolbar. ( T )
2. The Word organizer does not copy the Auto-Text entries. (F )
3. The AutoFit to contents enables Word to widen or narrow columns based on the contents you insert in Insert Table. ( T )
4. Print Preview of Word does not allow you to do any editing. ( T )
5. From the Mail Merge Helper dialog box, you can only open an existing data source but cannot create a new one. ( F )
6. The spelling and grammar check can only be done once the text is selected. ( F )
7. Word Templates have .dot extension. ( T )
8. You can create your own dictionaries in Word. ( T )
9. The spelling and grammar check can only be done once the text is selected. (F )
10. You cannot use different page-numbering styles in different section of your document ( T )
11. The View menu in Word is used to create header and footer. ( F)
12. It is always possible to shrink a document to one page. ( F )
13. Different styles can be used to generate a table of contents quickly in Word. ( T )
14. In Word, the easiest way to resize a picture is by dragging its edges to match the size and shape you want. ( T )
15. Graphics cannot be placed in headers and footers in MS-Word. ( F )
16. From the Mail Merge Helper dialog box, you can only open an existing data source but cannot create a new one. ( F )
17. By default, Word will skip blank fields, so the merge is not affected if blank entries are in the data form.( T )
18. In Word, using [Ctrl]+[U] shortcut key(s) can underline the selected text. ( T )
19. Change case command is used to change the capitalization of a sentence. ( T )
20. Even and odd pages can have different footers in Word ( T )
21. The AutoFit to contents enables Word to widen or narrow columns based on the contents you insert in Insert Table. ( T )
22. Page preview shows the page in WYSIWYG mode. ( T )
23. Print Preview of Word does not allow you to do any editing. ( T )
24. F8 is the keyboard shortcut button to be pressed for Spell Checking a document ( F )
25. Word supports to add bold formatting to the text.( T )
26. To highlight the para, double-click in the selection bar next to the paragraph. ( T )
27. To select an entire document you will double click the mouse in the selection bar. ( F )
28. Right align makes the ends of lines uneven (Not Level). ( F )
29. Italic characters are slanted (skewed) than regular characters. ( T )
30. Margins are the distances between the text and the edges of the paper. ( T )
31. In order to save a file, on the Standard toolbar, click on the Save button. ( T )
32. A blank line is also called as a paragraph. It is called as an empty paragraph. ( T )
33. You cannot undo certain operations like saving, printing, opening and creating documents. ( T )
34. Print button on the Quick Access toolbar will print the entire document using the default setting. ( T )
35. Using Home tab you can perform editing functions such as cut, copy, paste, find and replace etc. ( T )
36. Using Insert menu you can insert various objects such as page numbers, headers and footers, picture etc. ( T )
37. Using Review tab you can access to various utilities of word such as spell check, macros and mail merge etc. ( F )
38. In MS Word every command is available in ribbon. ( T )
39. Formula bar is available is MS Word 2010. ( F )