C Language Syllabus
C Language Syllabus(IITM)
- Introduction to Programming Languaegs
- Concept of Programming Languages
- Types of Programming Language
- Compiler and Interpreter
- Introduction to C
- History and Origin of C
- Create a Simple C Program
- Platform dependency of C Program
- Datatypes & Operators
- Concept of Variable & Datatypes
- Arithmetic Operators
- Relational Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Logical Operators
- Increament & Decreament Operators
- Conditional Operator
- Bitwise Operator
- Special Operator
- Conditional Statements
- if else
- else if
- Nested if else
- Switch Statements
- Loops Control
- for Loop
- while Loop
- do-while Loop
- Nested loop
- braek Keyword
- continue Keyword
- Jump Statements
- Function
- Understanding Functions
- Types of Function
- Recursion & Recursive Function
- Local,Global & Static Variables
- Primary Datatypes
- Categarization of Primitive Datatypes
- Type Casting
- Storage Classes
- Array
- What is Array?
- Operations on Array
- Types of Array
- Array With Function
- String
- Declaring & Initializing a String
- Declaring & Initializing a String Manipulations
- String Manipulations using Pre-defined Functions
- Array of Strings
- Pointer
- Understanding of Pointer
- Declaring & Initializing Pointer
- Accessing a Variable through Pointer
- Array of Pointers
- Pointer Chaining
- Call by Value & Call by Reference
- Accessing Array Using Pointer
- Accessing String Using Pointer
- Accessing Structure Using Pointer
- Structure
- Declaring & Operations on Structure
- Nested Structures
- Functions with Structure
- Pointer with Structure
- Understanding Union
- Enumeration
- Input/Output & File Handling
- Understanding Console I/O
- Understanding File I/O
- Opening/Closing a File
- Operations on a File
- Error Handling during File I/O
- Pre-processor
- What is Preprocessor?
- Macro Substitution
- File Inclusion
- Conditional Compilation
- Miscellaneous Directives
- Dynamic Memory Allocation(DMA)
- Introduction to DMA
- Allocating Memory at run-time
- Modifying the Allocated Memory
- De-Allocating Memory