CCC- Internet, Communication and Web Browsers- Questions & Answers- True/False
True and False (T/F)
2.1 Internet is not a commercial information service. (F)
2.2 The IP address space is divided into classes five in all which are given letters A through E (F)
2.3 The Request for Comments (RFCs) core topics are Internet and the TCP/IP protocol suites. (T)
2.4 The Back and Forward buttons can be used to visit only pages from the same website (F)
2.5 A protocol used for fetching e-mail from a mailbox is POP3 (T)
2.6 All conversations on the IRC are in English (T)
2.7 The full form of ISP is Information Source Provider (F)
2.8 e-commerce consists primarily of the distributing, buying, selling, marketing, and servicing of products or services over electronic systems such as the Internet (T)
2.9 Lycos is an Internet search engine and web portal. (T)
2.10 The act of exploring Web is known as surfing (T)
2.11 All conversations on the IRC are in English (T)
2.12 A set of rules is known as protocol. (T)
2.13 Hypertext enables you to read and navigate text and visual information in a nonlinear way base on what you want to know next (T)
2.14 The two parts of an e-mail address is separated by @ symbol (T)
2.15 In Web site designing you should make the title catchy descriptive and accurate (T)
2.16 A blog is a website where entries are made in journal style and displayed in a reverse chronological order. (T)
2.17 The e-mails received are stored in inbox. (T)
2.18 Sending information from a client PC to a server computer is called Uploading. (T)
2.19 To find an e-mail address, you can use an e-mail database (T)
2.20 News groups are also known as usenet. (T)
2.21 You can conveniently navigate between web pages hyperlink. (T)
2.22 An example of a high-speed direct digital connection to the Internet is a ISP. (F)
2.23 The web browsers are documents that use HTTP. (F)
2.24 In dialup connection, you can connect your computer to an ISP Server, with the help of modem. (T)
2.25 The TCP/IP is the communication protocol used by Internet (T)
2.26 Refresh button returns to home page. (F)
2.27 The stop button interrupts downloading the web page. (T)
2.28 The favorites feature of Internet Explorer allows you to save the URLs of Web pages you visit frequently. (T)
2.29 If you want to revisit a web pages or a complete web site, the best way is to add them to a list of Favorite sites. (T)
2.30 Internet Explorer stores the web pages you visit in the Internet list folder on the hard disk. (F)
2.31 From an e-mail address, one can find out the domain name, where this e-mail address is hosted. (T)
2.32 Web browser lets you download only while surfing the Internet (T)
2.33 You can configure most e-mail applications to check for mail as frequently as you desire. (T)
2.34 E-mail can be used to send broadcast messages, but only within your own company. (F)
2.35 Internet is not a commercial information service. (F)
2.36 Any computer on the Internet can connect to any other computer on the Internet. (T)
2.37 Internet is a single, very large network. (F)
2.38 Hypertext is also known as hyper link. (F)
2.39 A set of rules is known as protocol (T)
2.40 Internet is a network of networks. (T)
2.41 The Internet is a collection of files. (F)
2.42 The internet and the World Wide Web are the same. (F)
2.43 A LAN is a large area network. (F)
2.44 DNS provides mapping of IP with domain name. (T)
2.45 DNS is a distributed database offering strong consistency and atomicity guarantees. (T)
2.46 To specify multiple recipients of carbon copy of same mail message, CC: field is used. (T)
2.47 In SMTP, the message can be of any length. (F)
2.48 A protocol used for fetching e-mail form a mailbox is POP1. (F)
2.49 All incoming e-mail messages are to be stored in the OUTBOX folder. (F)
2.50 The e-mail component of Internet Explorer is called “Outlook Express” (T)
2.51 Recipient’s log-in name must form a part of his e-mail address. (F)
2.52 E-mail messages are usually addressed and delivered to only one or two people. (F)
2.53 E-mail is limited to text based messages. (F)
2.54 The two parts of e-mail address is separated by @ symbol. (T)