CCC Questions & Answers – PowerPoint Presentation- True/False
2.1 Animation effects appear in the Home Tab. (F)
2.2 You can apply a color scheme to the current slide or to all slides in your presentation. (T)
2.3 PowerPoint allows you to create your own animation effects. (F)
2.4 The Slide Sorter View button automatically sorts the slides alphabetically. (F)
2.5 If your text exceeds the size of the placeholder, Microsoft PowerPoint reduces the font size and line spacing incrementally as you type, to make the text fit. (T)
2.6 Press F5 key to go to Slide Show view (T)
2.7 When you hide a slide it remains in your file, even though it is hidden when you run the presentation. (T)
2.8 The AutoContent Wizard creates the structure and contents based on the choices you make. (T)
2.9 You can print slides for overhead projector transparencies (T)
2.10 You cannot change the position of the slide images on the Handout Master. (T)
2.11 You can draw objects in a presentation by using the Design Tab (F)
2.12 Page Orientation in MS-PowerPoint can be set to Portrait (taller than width) or Landscape (wider than height). (T)
2.13 One can print either nine or fifteen handouts in PowerPoint presentation. (F)
2.14 A file which contains readymade styles that you can use for your presentations is called Template. (T)
2.15 You can re-record the narration for a PowerPoint Slide Show (T)
2.16 You can view a presentation using one out of ten views provided by PowerPoint. (F)
2.17 Closing a presentation and exiting PowerPoint is the same thing. (F)
2.18 You shut down PowerPoint 2010 by using the close button (T)
2.19 The first time you save a presentation you must name it. (T)
2.20 A text box can be place anywhere on the slide. (T)
2.21 Bullets and numbering appears in the INSERT TAB. (F)
2.22 Animation effects appear in the Design tab.(F)
2.23 .wav files and .mid files are the two kinds of sound effects files that can be added to the presentation. (T)
2.24 To edit a chart, you can click the chart object. (F)
2.25 Rotate is the term used when a clip art image changes the direction of faces. (T)
2.26 Inserting a new slide is used when you want to add a slide to an existing presentation. (T)
2.27 Slide shorter view is the best view to use when setting transition effect for all slides in a presentation. (T)